Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 4 - 2477
March 6 - 4026
March 8 - 6400

What do those numbers mean???  It means I am definitely pregnant and the baby is doing great!


Sandra said...

Great numbers Margaret!

Anonymous said...

*hugs hugs hugs* And lots of tears of joy! Im so happy for you. So glad to read this good news!

TracyKM said...

That's awesome news! It's been awhile since I read your blog (we upgraded and lost all our bookmarked sites), so it's great to see the good news. Sending good vibes :)

Twisted Cinderella said...

OMG that is wonderful! Congrats! Congrats!!

robin said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news! I had to back track on your blog entries to catch up on everything and I'm glad that all is well.

Margaret said...

Thanks everyone. I am having another ultrasound to date the pregnancy as my OB thinks the dates are off.