Monday, June 1, 2009

Weeks 10, 11 and 12

I have not been too good at blogging lately. Therapy had kind of stalled. I feel that I am not getting anywhere. Then again, I am not talking. I just cant seem to relate to anything.

I had my second patient evaluation in week 11. I was asked about my sex life, I am sure that I turned 1000 shades of red.

I am not doing to well in the eating department. I keep eating foods that are full of sugar. I overeat as well. I need to do better.

I am becoming a more patient mom! There are things that Robbie has done that in the past would upset me that I am being more tolerable about.


catharooni said...

good to see you back!!

i would love to have seen the 100 shades of red - too funny!!

eating, eating, eating ... GAH! sometimes i wish i never had to eat ever again. then i smarten up and change it to wishing i could eat whatever i want and having no negative consequences!!

keep on keeping on!!