It was funny how I didn't mind turning 40. I actually looked forward to it. I didn't want to turn 30 but 40 I was ok with. Maybe it is because my life is so much more settled now. I am married to a wonderful husband and I have a beautiful son. Life is pretty good.
Sean bought me a spa package for my birthday. I am so spoiled. Joyce (my mother-in-law) bought me some clothes for work (she took me shopping). I also received gift cards for Walmart and the movies.
I tried to have a birthday party but that was a flop. Only one of my friends showed up and 4 of Sean's (who come here every saturday night anyways). I was pretty upset but I am mostly over it now.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
so good to get the update from you ... i am so sorry your b-day was a bust - i genuinely hope the year to come is full of great memories made with sean & robbie, much success at work, and a lot of peace of mind, body & spirit.
while i am commenting ... thanks, too for the updates on therapy - i know it was one of the hardest things to do, and you were brave to go, to participate and to share it with us ... i am sorry for the negative experiences, and all i can say is that they are all people who are hurting (like you), or they wouldn't be there. but i am still sorry it was painful to be part of.
i hope you can let go and forgive yourself - and that you will indulge a little personal story. my mom was similar to you - she felt she made all the wrong decisions as a parent and they she failed in so many ways, and she beat up on herself as a result. the biggest problem with that was what i saw as a kid ... that nothing was EVER good enough - i would watch my mom do amazing things and still put herself down, be unhappy, and retreat into depression and isolation. it made it very hard for me to ever think i was "good" enough. we have both done a lot of work and are in a much better place, but i would encourage you to be more gentle with yourself to help robbie from being too hard on himself.
phew! that was a long one ... hope to chat soon ...
Happy Birthday!!!!!
I'm glad to hear someone that is fine with turning 40. For some reason I'm not looking forward to my 40th. I think it is because Brett is younger than me and his family teases me about it. So each time I reach a zero year I get teased a lot because I'm in the next range while Brett still has a couple of years in the prior range. Brett wants to take me out of town for my 40th but with all the kids I don't see how that will be possible. I'm happy with just a dinner out now and then. I'll take what I can get!!
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