Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas part 2

I did really well over the holidays. My mood was good and things went well. Christmas dinner was really good (if I can comment on my own cooking). Joyce and Bruce (my mother-in-law and her boyfriend) were only here for 3 hours! Boxing day was good, we went and got groceries and just rested.

Then came Sunday... I am not sure why but I have been having so many dreams of me being pregnant. Not good. Infertility really sucks! Anyways, I could not even drag myself from bed, I spent the day there crying off and on. When I wasn't crying I was sleeping. Sean was great and took munchkin mcgoo (one of my names for the boy) and went out, giving me some time to myself. I was going to make supper but fell asleep.

Today was much better. I felt rested and not so down. We went to the Telus World of Science and had a great family day. Tomorrow it is back to work for me (3 days this week) and daycare for Robbie while Sean starts looking for a summer job.


catharooni said...

i will go out on a limb and say you probably crashed because even when things go well, holidays are a stressful time!

way to get back to it fast, though!!