So on wednesday afternoons, until I start my program, I have a support group session. Today was my first one. I didnt say anything - no surprise to me that I didnt say anything. I am confused though, I was told that the group was optional but other people mentioned today that they had reached their manditory number of sessions. I need to call my therapist tomorrow and will ask about the group. If I need to attend a certain amount of times I need to know that. I almost didn't go today. I was two minutes late as well. Next week I need to leave earlier.
I am feeling a little frustrated with myself. I have so many things that I should be doing and yet I have no energy to get anything done. I am not good at making myself do things and so therefore nothing gets done. I am so far behind on housework. Sean doesnt say anything but I know that it bothers him as well. I want to live in a clean house, I want the dishes to be kept up. I just dont know how to get everything done.
I am going to breakfast with Joyce on friday. I dont really want to go but I did promise her that I would help her get her Shaw internet hooked up. She got a new computer for Christmas and since we told her to get Shaw over Telus I feel responsible for helping her. Bruce wanted her to get Telus. I really dont know how I am going to deal with the stress of spending another day with Joyce. If Sean wasnt working I would be sending him but as it is I will spend the time with her.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
Good for you for going this morning. Baby steps...
Could you choose just one thing to accomplish each day? Set a limit for yourself, say 30 minutes. Set a timer and wash dishes until it goes off then stop.
Maybe tomorrow's task could be to make your bed. Doesn't matter what time you do it, just as long as its done before bed.
Let us know if this works out for you!
Praying for you as always.
I agree with Kate. I don't do everything everyday. Set limits on what you will do and when that time is done you are done. I couldn't possibly do everything everyday so I do what I can. That means that my house isn't perfect. In fact, as I type this and look around I see a pile of kids' coats, boots, gloves etc. to my left, a pile of receipts to my right waiting to go downstairs (don't even get me started on how backed up I am on entering bills and receipts into Microsoft money on the computer). But, I fed my kids today, got them dressed and off to school and even managed to buy a few groceries. A successful day if nothing else was accomplished. Yeah!!! We do our best with the essentials and if any extra gets done like laundry, dishes, makeup etc. it is a bonus.
i suspect you are one of those people who, if they can't do it ALL and do it PERFECTLY they don't want to do ANYTHING. (i can identify) ...
i like the suggestions above, and wanted to encourage you to remember that a 10% is better than 0% - even if it feels like more of a failure (ie: if you don't try and isn't done, that can be less depressing than trying and not succeeding 100% ... make sense?) but truly, every LITTLE bit helps.
love and hugs ... and we need to connect!
p.s. who is joyce?
All good advice, thank you. The hard part is I grew up with Wonder Women. My sisters are Molly Mormon to a T, their homes are beautiful, they are good cooks. I put so much pressure on myself to be like them and when I fall far behind I get stressed. I do get a little done each day. So far today I have put stew in the slow cooker so at least supper is taken care of.
Cath - Joyce is my mother-in-law. Her boyfriend is Bruce (should have mentioned that in the post). We (Sean and I) have a bit of a strained relationship with his mother.
thanks for the additional information ... and remember: molly mormons are moldy mormons. yup. just came up with that. (smiles)
the program is "weight wise" and you need to be referred by your doctor (and have a BMI of 35+ as well as other health concerns, or a BMI of 40+ without) ... let me know if you have more questions!
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